Simulation : Reality

Connecting simulation and reality!

Simulation : Reality

Connecting simulation and reality!

Simulation : Reality

Connecting simulation and reality!

Simulation : Reality

Connecting simulation and reality!

Simulation : Reality

Connecting simulation and reality!

Simulation : Reality

Connecting simulation and reality!

Engineering Office for Mechanical Engineering in Graz Umgebung, Styria

Your Partner for finite element analysis, prototype design, software development and material testing near Graz – Styria.

Calculation & Simulation

Using the finite element analysis allows for a deeper insight in a virtually designed structure – prior to any building or manufacturing processes, investigations and optimizations can be performed solely with the aid of the computer.

Prototypes & Software

Creating a prototype involves many aspects, ranging from idea generation, mechanical and electrical design to software development. We guide our customers from an initial idea to their first working prototype.

Tests & Material

Simulation can't be done without checking reality first. Our aim is to provide our customers with adequate simulation models that are entirely based on real material behavior – we therefore gather the required experimental data by performing the relevant tests.

Engineering office for Mechanical Engineering

Our company guides our customers through the complex path of virtual product design as well as standard issues arising in the field of mechanical engineering. Being an innovative and highly collaborative partner is the main purpose of our everyday's live. Core competences are structural mechanics, material testing, software development, control technology and numerical methods. If you are not sure wheter we can help you, just ask …

Material characterization

Virtual design may get infinitely complex if non-metallic materials are part of the structure – like elastomers, polymers, foams or other materials that include effects like viscoelasticity or damage. Starting from real experiments we guide our customers towards a practical solution in their design process or even provide them ready made material cards for the simulation environment at hand. Having some simulation issue … just let us know.

Consultancy and technical expertise

If you have any questions about our services, consultancy or technical expertise feel free to get in contact – directly via telephone or via e-mail in our contact form. 

DI Dr. Bernhard Kager is a generally sworn and court certified expert for strength calculation, finite elements and mechatronics.

Engineering services:


Besides analytical methods, numerical simulation are used to analyse structures and steelworks – services range from static and dynamic analyses to strength and fatigue estimations.

Euocode 3, FKM guideline, FEA, hyperelasticity, viscoelasticity, …

Material tests

In order to gain insight into complex material behavior, tests have to be made in addition to the consideration of theoretical aspects. Our test equipment allows for the determination of material characteristics of modern materials.

Uniaxial-test, Biaxial-test, creep-test, relaxation behavior, …

Software development

Technical and economical problems might be modelled theoretically – the model represents the nature of the issue at hand. Specially designed software related to that model is then capable to provide accurate answers.

Prototype development

The design of prototypes involves conceptual studies, detailed mechanical and electrical design as well as control algorithm development – we guide our customers to their first working prototype.

Inspection of work equipment

The recurring inspection according to the AM-VO regulation ensures a save working environment for your employees. Our company performs these inspections fast and reliably.

Technical assessments

DI Dr. Bernhard Kager is a generally sworn and court certified expert for strength calculation, finite elements and mechatronics.


continuum mechanics, structural mechanics, finite element analysis, statics, dynamics, buckling, stability analysis, modal analysis, fatigue analysis, nonlinear material models, EC 3, FKM, ... 

material characterization, rubber to metal parts, elastomers, hyperelasticity, viscoelasticity, Mullin's effect, stress softening, material tests, biaxial test, uniaxial test, pure shear test, Yeoh, Ogden, Mooney, Rivlin, ...

prototypes, software, C, C++, OpenCV, deal.II, TIA-Portal, SIEMENS S7, microcontroller, control systems, ...